Sunday 16 October 2011

Introducing Me :-)

Hey everyone

This is my first ever post so 1) it's not gonna be great and 2) i'm basically just going to introduce myself and talk a bit about what I'll be talking a bit about on here :-)

My name is Alex. I'm fourteen 1/2 years old, 15 next April. I am average height, with spiky light brown hair and turquoise eyes. I live in a small village in South Wales, and there's really almost nothing here except houses. I live with my parents. We don't get on, especially me and my mother. Umm...the school that I go to is (or was) a right dump with a bad reputation, but we all love it anyways, and right now it's being completely rebuilt basically so there's huge construction vehicles and big fences everywhere. It's a nightmare to get to lessons because there's only one way to get from the lower school to the upper school and there's over 1 1/2 thousand people trying to get to their lessons. Disasters loom around those corners...
Anyway...umm I am quite smart (when I want to be), funny, curious about many things, obsessed with my dreams, quite gobby / chopsy, and a natural leader, or so people tell me. I am crap at almost all sports except for swimming and trampolining! I love cooking, art, randomly doodling on anything and everything (my arms, school books), and I love writing stories. Unfortunately, I, like everyone else, have flaws. Mine are that I let my emotions carry me away, I care too much about certain things, I see the bigger picture more than the details and I often over-think or don't think at all. However, I am very forgiving and I have definite goals in life. Also, I see things differently to every other person I've ever known, and I like that.
I have huge dreams for my future. I want to 1) travel 2) be a well-known author 3) have children 4) marry a hippie boy with long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes and 5) change the world. I am adamant that I will travel, have children and change the world. If I'm honest, I care more about travelling than anything else. It is my life and I have dreamed about travelling since I was literally 4 or 5 years old. It kills me that I'm not travelling, and makes me extremely depressed quite often, but I am working my way up to it. When I'm older, I want to buy a VW Camper or a boat. Probably the camper.
Oh yeah -- something important that I almost forgot. I always wear odd socks. And like, properly odd, not just mismatching. I'm well weird. Today, my socks are a cow print black, blue and white one, and a rainbow striped, if anybody's interested. Obviously not, but you know...socks are a part of my soul!!! Sorry, dramatic moment over...for now ;-)

On this blog I'm going to be talking about current affairs, hot topics, travel, things I think are important, and maybe even a little celebrity gossip, though it won't be much. I might even put some short stories / poems in if inspiration strikes. I will give my opinion in as much of an unbiased way as I can (good luck with that Al) and I'll be entirely honest with you all about what I think.
There will be no schedule for when I post, it will just be when I remember (uh oh!) and when I have something important that I want to talk about.
It would be nice to have people following my blog, but I don't expect a huge amount of people will be interested in what a stroppy 14-year-old transgendered kid has to say. But I solemnly swear to do my best to make posts interesting and to make them often.
Oh well, I should start getting ready for school now since my bus comes insanely early nowadays. If I remember, I'll be on later with my first official post. If not, you probably won't see me for about a month because I'll forget completely.
That's all for now folks. See ya later :-)

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